Seven Ways We Can Make Your Tax Life Easier:


  1. Lower your taxes

  2. Save you time in the preparation process

  3. Represent you in an audit if needed

  4. Find all the deductions legally available to you

  5. Answer all your personalized tax questions

  6. Explain pros and cons of owning assets to reduce your taxes (e.g., homes, 401(k), IRA)

  7. Provide year-round accessibility to your tax preparer



IRS Publications

Need to find IRS publications and forms, such as Form W-4 to give to your employer? Visit the IRS website to download current forms, instructions and publications. 

PB Icon SSA.png

Sign in or create your social security account. 


Keeping Tax Records

You need to keep your tax records, but there are some documents you can purge before others. You can choose to keep your records electronically or on paper, whichever you prefer. Here is an in-depth list of how long to keep each type of record.


Where's My Refund?

Are you wondering when your refund is coming? If you are receiving a check, you can expect to wait 6 - 8 weeks.  If you are receiving a direct deposit, you can expect it in less than three weeks.  You can also track your IRS and California FTB refunds at the links below.



This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax advisor.